
Welcome to Anthony Maintenance Thermique’s website ! You can find here informations about services, prices and the work area.

About the compagny

The company is new, in 2024 and located in Brux (86510 South of Vienne), working 30km around (departments 86, 79, 16) for gas and oil boilers services and repairs by Anthony (working since 2017 on boiler service and repairs). Air conditioning and heat pump services will be available soon.

You can join me by phoning (don’t hesitate to leave a message with your contact details and your needs, I’m French but I can speak english, so don’t hesitate to ask for english speaking) or you can join me by mail contact@amt86.fr

Why Anthony Maintenance Thermique ?

It’s not easy to find a technician for servicing heating systems or dealing with breakdowns…

Anthony Maintenance Thermique proposes you our services for your heating system and will be here when it breakdowns, especially when the cold season arrives (Saturday morning for breakdowns from October to the end of March)

Exclusive servicing offers !

The servicing of your boiler or water softener includes one breakdown consultation therefore if it breakdowns in the year after servicing, the first consultation will be free*. But also servicing mostly includes all regular supplies (filters), therefore it avoids to pay more than the servicing price.

*See conditions on « services prices »

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